What Do We Do?

We provide cloud infrastructure (IaaS) design services and management, and intellectual property consultancy services for the digital economy helping businesses to optimize their workloads and to patent their ideas and software products.

IT Consultancy

Our team has 25 years of experience working in the field of software development and management of complex IT infrastructures. We created FifthRev (Fifth R OÜ) to deliver consultancy services to businesses worldwide that need to adapt and position themselves in the digital economy.

Cloud Design & Management

FifthRev's team creates and manages Cloud computing infrastructures and networks based on VMware ESXi, ProxMox VE, Kubernetes (K3S, Docker), and other enterprise virtualization technologies. We help you connect your local work environments to the cloud and optimize your digital workflows.

Intellectual Property Services

Patent idea valuations and intellectual property pre-attorney consulting services for drafting opinions, obtaining patents and trademarks, enforcing patents and trademarks, and more. We work with some of the best IP lawyers to create and protect your intellectual property.

How does FifthRev work?

reliable consultancy services

FifthRev's team starts with a 30-minute preliminary complementary call in which we listen to you. We'll ask you to tell us more about your idea that you need to turn into intellectual property or about the technology challenges you need to overcome. We want you to tell us in brief what you want to achieve, and what are your expectations. After that, you are expected to decide whether to hire our team to create a draft concept and model that based on your requirements. The creation of this document is a one-time paid, non-binding service. After you access the document we provide, based on your decision to hire us we start working on a 3-stage process described below.

We Listen

We Design

We Manage