Intellectual Property Consulting

Trademark Consulting

We help your company to register a trademark.

Patent Consulting

We consult you how to turn an idea into a pattent.

Patent Applications

Patent application preparation & management.

E-Commerce Consultancy Services

FifthRev prepares your company for the digital economy. We start from scratch on your new venture or work to digitalize your current organization and business processes.

Design & Dev

CMS Management

Business Analytics

Cloud Management Services

We manage Cloud computing infrastructures and networks based on VMware ESXi, ProxMox VE, Kubernetes (K3S, Docker), and other L.A.M.P.-based virtualization technologies.

Web Environment

Setup and manage web environments.

Cloud IaaS

Cloud infrastructure management.

SSL & Security

SSL and customer web security policy.

Dedicated IP

Dedicated IP – also known as a static IP – is provided if you have a large dedicated hosting website.

Web Security

For your business to succeed, customers need to trust that you'll protect them from viruses, hackers and identity thieves. Count on
our security products to keep your website secure, your visitors safe and your business growing.

SSL Certificate

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. It might sound complex, but it's really not. SSL Certificates validate your website's identity, and encrypt the information visitors send to, or receive from, your site. This keeps thieves from spying on any exchange between you and your visitors.

Site Lock

Site Lock is one of our most powerful website security solutions. It not only scans your site for security gaps but detects malware that hackers could use to steal information, infect your customers or divert traffic.

Code Signing Certificate

Code Signing is a digital signature placed on software and other executable files and scripts. Code signatures prove the identity of software authors and validate that the software hasn't been tampered with since its original distribution.

Anti-Spam Tool

It's powerful spam blocker software to effectively stop email spam. Discover the safe way to stop unwanted e-mails before they reach your users. No gimmicks here, it is so easy to set up and use that you’ll be using this tool like a pro in seconds.